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Donald Sutherland

Obituary: Donald Sutherland, Actor

Legendary Canadian Actor and Anti-War Activist Passes Away at 87

Renowned for Roles in 'MASH', 'Klute', and 'The Hunger Games'

Donald McNichol Sutherland CC, the esteemed Canadian actor and anti-war activist, has passed away at the age of 87. Known for his remarkable range and versatility, Sutherland captivated audiences with his ability to both charm and unsettle, reassure and repulse in countless film roles.

From his breakthrough performance in the 1970 war comedy 'MASH' to his acclaimed turn in the 1971 psychological thriller 'Klute', Sutherland's talent was undeniable. He went on to star in a wide array of films, including 'Ordinary People', 'The Hunger Games' franchise, and 'The Italian Job'.

Throughout his illustrious career, Sutherland remained a vocal advocate for peace and social justice. He was a founding member of Artists for Amnesty and used his platform to speak out against war and oppression.

Donald Sutherland's towering presence on screen and his unwavering commitment to social activism have left an enduring legacy. He will be remembered as one of the most iconic and influential actors of his generation.
